Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access my webmail account?
In your web browser go to "mail.", e.g: "", and login using your username and password.
How do I manage email accounts?
In your web browser go to "mail.", e.g: "", and login using your admin username and password. You'll then be ableto create, update or delete email accounts.
Once logged in, refer to the help section "Quick tutoral" then "Setup additional mail accounts". Help is located from the link in the top right corner of the page.
How do I check my spam?
In your web browser go to "mail.", e.g: "", and login using your username and password. Click on [+] next to the "Mail" menu item, then click on the "Spam" folder.To flag a message as not spam, click on the message in the list of emails, then in the reading pane, click the button labelled "This is not spam". The message will then be sent to your inbox and thesender will be whitelisted.